Spanish verb haber . . . 'to have' (auxiliary verb)

Learn Spanish verbs conjugation.

Here is the fully conjugated Spanish verb haber, with some practise sentences using some of the conjugations of haber - the verb 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish.

This is a very important Spanish verb to learn, one of the most important, because with it you can then conjugate the seven compound tenses of ALL other Spanish verbs. You must therefore learn it inside out, super thoroughly. No matter how or where you are learning Spanish you must learn this important Spanish verb.

Haber is called an auxiliary verb because it is used to form other verbs.

It means 'to have' only in the sense of 'to have done' something. It does not mean 'to have' in the sense of 'to have and to hold something' which is tener in Spanish.

But when saying things like - I have spoken, I have been there, I have had enough, I have flown, I have run - in Spanish, this is where the verb haber means 'to have'.

The seven simple tenses of haber, are used to form the seven compound tenses. One takes the simple tense and adds the past participle to it to form the compound tense (e.g. I have flown is a compound tense of 'to fly'(perfect indicative tense); I have eaten is a compound tense of 'to eat' (perfect indicative tense); I will have stayed is a compound tense of 'to stay' (future perfect tense).

Do not be too frightened by the technical terms for the tenses e.g. perfect indicative tense, perfect subjunctive etc. They are just fancy ways of saying simple things, but are useful as tools. Perfect indicative is a fancy way of saying 'I have done something'.

Learning Spanish verbs is a block-building process! Each piece builds on another, but the Spanish verb haber is one of the most valuable blocks in Spanish learning quest.

Present Participle of haber

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The present participle (gerundio)of haber is:



Past Participle of haber

The past participle of haber is:




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The word hay also derives from haber, and it means there is or there are.

The Seven Simple Tenses of haber - the verb 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish

Present Indicative Conjugations of haber - 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish
presente de indicativo

yo he
- I have
- you have
él, ella, usted ha
- he, she, it, You have
nosotros/nosotras hemos
- we have
vosotros/vosotras habéis
- you all have
ellos, ellas, ustedes han
- they, You All have

Example Spanish sentence of haber in the Present Indicative tense:

Yo he puesto el cuchillo en la mesa.
- I have put the knife on the table.

Imperfective Indicative of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
imperfecto de indicativo

yo había
- I had
- you had
él, ella, usted había
- he, she, it, You had
nosotros/nosotras habíamos
- we had
vosotros/vosotras habíais
- you all had
ellos, ellas, ustedes habían
- they, You All had

Example Spanish sentence of haber in the imperfect indicative tense:

Nosotras habíamos organizado una fiesta.
- We had organized a party.
- A group of females is talking here, hence nosotras is used in this sentence. A group of 'us'with any male in it would have used nosotros.

Preterit tense of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber (preterit perfect)

yo hube
- I had
- you had
él, ella, usted hubo
- he, she, it, You had
nosotros/nosotras hubimos
- we had
vosotros/vosotras hubisteis
- you all had
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubieron
- they, You All had

Example Spanish sentence of haber conjugated in the preterit perfect tense:

Después que hube comido, bebí.
- After I had eaten, I drank.
- This tense is not used often in modern spoken Spanish.

Future Tense Conjugations of haber ('to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish)

yo habré
- I had
- you had
él, ella, usted habrá
- he, she, it, You had
nosotros/nosotras habremos
- we had
vosotros/vosotras habréis
- you all had
ellos, ellas, ustedes habrán
- they, You All had

Example Spanish sentence of haber in the Spanish future tense:

Eduardo me habrá enviado las flores.
- Eduardo must have sent me the flowers.
- The Spanish future perfect tense for haber in addition to meaning 'shall have done' or 'will have done' something, also is used to mean 'have probably done' or 'must have done' when referring to recent events.

Conditional Tense of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
potencial simple

yo habría
- I would have
- you would have
él, ella, usted habría
- he, she, it, You would have
nosotros/nosotras habríamos
- we would have
vosotros/vosotras habríais
- you all would have
ellos, ellas, ustedes habrían
- they, You All would have

Example sentence of the Spanish verb haber conjugated in the Spanish conditional tense:

Habría sido julio cuando llegó.
- It must have been July when he arrived.
- It was probably July when he arrived in London.

Present Subjunctive Tense of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber conjugations
presente de subjuntivo

yo haya
- that I may have
- that you may have
él, ella, usted haya
- that he, she, it, You may have
nosotros/nosotras hayamos
- that we may have
vosotros/vosotras hayáis
- that you all may have
ellos, ellas, ustedes hayan
- that they, You All may have

Example sentence of Spanish verb haber conjugated in the present subjunctive tense (also called the present perfect subjunctive):

Nosotros dudamos que Federico haya comido.
- We doubt that Federico has eaten.
- We doubt that Federico may have eaten.

Imperfect or Past Subjunctive of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber conjugated
imperfecto de subjuntivo

yo hubiera
- that I might have
- that you might have
él, ella, usted hubiera
- that he, she, it, You might have
nosotros/nosotras hubiéramos
- that we might have
vosotros/vosotras hubierais
- that you all might have
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubieran
- that they, You All might have

Example sentence of Spanish verb haber conjugated in the imperfect or past subjunctive tense:

Si hubiera habido más tiempo, tú habrías visitado Madrid.
- If there had been more time you could have visited Madrid.

Imperfect or Past Subjunctive of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber conjugated
imperfecto de subjuntivo

yo hubiese
- that I might have
- that you might have
él, ella, usted hubiese
- that he, she, it, You might have
nosotros/nosotras hubiésemos
- that we might have
vosotros/vosotras hubieseis
- that you all might have
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubiesen
- that they, You All might have

Example Spanish sentence of haber in the imperfect or past subjunctive tense:

The Seven Compound Tenses of haber - the verb to 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish

Present Perfect Tense (or Past Indefinite) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
perfecto de indicativo

yo he habido
- I have had
has habido
- you have had
él, ella, usted ha habido
- he, she, it, You have had
nosotros/nosotras hemos habido
- we have had
vosotros/vosotras habéis habido
- you all have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes han habido
- they, You All have had

Example sentence of Spanish verb haber conjugated in the present perfect tense (past indefinite tense) conjugated:

Past Perfect Tense (or Pluperfect Indicative) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
pluscuamperfecto de indicativo

yo había habido
- I had had
habías habido
- you had had
él, ella, usted había habido
- he, she, it, You had had
nosotros/nosotras habíamos habido
- we had had
vosotros/vosotras habíais habido
- you all had had
ellos, ellas, ustedes habían habido
- they, You All had had

Example sentence of Spanish verb haber conjugated in the Present Indicative tense:

Preterit Perfect Tense (or Past Anterior) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
pretérito anterior

yo hube habido
- I had had
hubiste habido
- you had had
él, ella, usted hubo habido
- he, she, it, You had had
nosotros/nosotras hubimos habido
- we had had
vosotros/vosotras hubisteis habido
- you all had had
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubieron habido
- they, You All had had

Example sentence of Spanish verb haber conjugated in the Present Indicative tense:

Future Perfect Tense (or Future Anterior) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
futuro perfecto

yo habré habido
- I will have had
habrás habido
- you will have had
él, ella, usted habrá habido
- he, she, it, You will have had
nosotros/nosotras habremos habido
- we will have had
vosotros/vosotras habréis habido
- you all will have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes habrán habido
- they, You All will have had

Example Spanish sentence of haber conjugated in the future perfect tense:

?Cuándo habremos hecho esto?
- When will we have this done?

Conditional Perfect Tense of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber conjugated
potencial compuesto

yo habría habido
- I would have had
habrías habido
- you would have had
él, ella, usted habría habido
- he, she, it, You
nosotros/nosotras habríamos habido
- we would have had
vosotros/vosotras habríais habido
- you all would have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes habrían habido
- they, You All would have had

Example Spanish sentence of haber - conjugations in the conditional perfect tense:

Ella habría venido si no estuviera cansado.
- She would have come if she had not been tired.

Present Perfect Tense (or Past Subjunctive) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
perfecto de subjuntivo

yo haya habido
- that I may have had
hayas habido
- that you may have had
él, ella, usted haya habido
- that he, she, it, You may have had
nosotros/nosotras hayamos habido
- that we may have had
vosotros/vosotras hayáis habido
- that you all may have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes hayan habido
- that they, You All may have had

Example sentence with the Spanish verb haber conjugated in the present perfect subjunctive tense:

Pluperfect Tense (or Past Perfect Subjunctive) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo - hubiera endings

yo hubiera habido
- that I might have had
hubieras habido
- that you might have had
él, ella, usted hubiera habido
- that he, she, it, You might have had
nosotros/nosotras hubiéramos habido
- that we might have had
vosotros/vosotras hubierais habido
- that you all might have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubieran habido
- that they, You All might have had

Sample Spanish sentence of haber conjugated in the pluperfect tense:

Si hubiera habido más tiempo, nosotros habríamos visitado La Paz.
- If there had been more time we could have visited La Paz.

Pluperfect Tense (or Past Perfect Subjunctive) of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber
pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo - hubiese endings

yo hubiese habido
- that I might have had
hubieses habido
- that you might have had
él, ella, usted hubiese habido
- that he, she, it, You might have had
nosotros/nosotras hubiésemos habido
- that we might have had
vosotros/vosotras hubieseis habido
- that you all might have had
ellos, ellas, ustedes hubiesen habido
- that they, You All might have had

Example Spanish sentence of haber conjugated in the pluperfect tense:

Si hubiese habido más tiempo, nosotros hubísemos visitado La Paz.
- If there had been more time we could have visited La Paz.

Imperative Tense of 'to have' (auxiliary verb) in Spanish - haber - conjugations

hé; no hayas
- you have; you don't have
usted haya
- You have; you don't have
nosotros/nosotras hayamos
- we have; let's have
vosotros/vosotras habed; no hayáis
- you all have; you all don't have
- You All have; You All don't have

Example Spanish sentence of haber in the imperative tense:

As stated, this is one of the most useful verbs to learn in Spanish, and it is crucial that you learn it thoroughly.

For accelerated learning of Spanish verbs, with animated cartoon Memory Triggers for each of the different concepts, check out the accelerated learning software programmes of exceltra's 200 Words a Day! Excelerated Spanish verbs system.

We hope you find these Spanish verb conjugation pages useful. Any comments on the free Spanish lessons on these pages - please do contact us.
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The word in Spanish for 'to have'(auxiliary verb) is haber - here it is fully conjugated with sample sentences.
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Transcity Properties Ltd, 32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 5EF, United Kingdom© 2007-2011. The Spanish verb haber means 'to have' in the sense of 'to have done something' and is used as an auxiliary verb.

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