Spanish Prepositions

above, over, on. . . sobre

Spanish Prepositions

Spanish Prepositions are 'Where?' or 'When?' words, which give information about where something is or when something happens. They are usually placed before a noun and their role is to link the noun with the rest of the sentence.

For example:
El libro está sobre la mesa.The book is on the table.
Estoy a lado de la escuela.I am beside the school.

The Spanish Preposition for above, over or on is sobre....
(which sounds like SOBER), so ....

....imagine that above the people in the courtroom is a very SOBER judge.

And visualize a picture ... as above.

Here are more examples of Spanish prepositions:

above, on top of, over . . . encima de

against . . . contra

along . . . a lo largo de

around . . . alrededor de

behind (at the back) . . . detrás de

beside . . . al lado de

between, among . . . entre

during . . . durante

far from . . . lejos de

in the middle of . . . en medio de

in front . . . delante

near . . . cerca de

next to . . . junto a

opposite (location) . . . enfrente de

over there . . . ahí

since, from . . . desde

through, across . . . a través de

through, for . . . por

until . . . hasta

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